Thursday, December 12, 2013

History Lessons

 History was far from my favorite subject in school, I saw little more than a series of dates and dry facts to remember so I can pass the next exam and then forget about it.
It wasn't until college that I enjoyed sitting through a lecture. Maybe it was because I completely stopped taking notes which I would never go back to, started listening to what was being said, and imagined how it could be.

Outside of school I enjoyed history from books, documentaries and from certain games. What boy doesn't like to watch a warbird strafe a convoy over remembering the date some politicians signed a pact?

I also wasn't a huge fan of learning about Israeli history. I haven't felt like I belonged here ever since I was 14.

These day I find myself thinking back about what I know about Israel's history, trying to think of what I can use to make board games.
The first such idea that came to me was a push your luck game about the clandestine immigration of aliyah bet, as the refugees of the holocaust crammed into old ships and sailed to Israel, trying to overcome the British blockade to realize the Zionist dream.
Just trying to leverage my heritage to my advantage. I also wonder if I could get support from the government to help with the creation process, the marketing and the finances.